
Reno-Gate, Vol. 1

As seen on twitter, digested by Faecesbook.

Reno-Gate, Vol. 1: Aug 17 - Dec 28 (The First Nineteen Weeks)

Dec 28, Day 133 (Week 19)

Woo! Display cabinet / end of bar built and installed. Cabinet over fridge finally mounted. #reno-gate http://tweetphoto.com/7481201

2nd sink plumbed! Dishwasher plumbed but ... doesn't work. Sanding, painting & floor joins still TBD. Meh'ry Xmas, I guess. #reno-gate

OTS Granite #fail ... again. Last wk promised Mon/Tue. Today: maybe Tue, else Wed. Y give a date if u won't stick to it? #reno-gate

Latest #reno-gate photos: http://picasaweb.google.com/nickboldt/2009SRenoGate

Arturo, of EasyTile, is rockin' my kitchen as he repairs the madness wreaked by Caesar (previous tile monkey). This is good. #reno-gate

Deposit down on second chunk of granite (bar counter top). Will I have a counter sink d/washr by Xmas? Unlikely but possible. #reno-gate

Annoyance waiting 4 granite guy 2 show. 2 weeks 2 xmas, U'd think he's B jumping at the chance 4 bizness. #reno-gate #frackingFriday

In granite installer lingo, 11am = 1pm. Also, *possible* customer >> *actual* customer (me). #fistOfDeathFriday #reno-gate #OTSgranite

Last 2 pieces of cabinetry designed & hopefully will be built this/next week. Painting is imminent. #reno-gate http://bit.ly/4V6nAI

Rocky Horror Kitchen Show, Backsplash Install Scene 3B: Caesar Munoz is >3 hrs late. ETA unknown, if at all. #ohsomuchfail #reno-gate

Reno-gate, Day 52: main bar cabinets finally arrive! B/c stove not flush to wall, cabinet installed 4" off spec. Easy fix, but oops!

Reno-gate, Day 37: 2hrs and counting. Wtf is my tile installer? I am Jack's loss of patience.

Reno-gate, Day 37: yesterday he shows up early, wakes me up. Today: >1hr late. Good work on the tile install, though

@opalgamble Reno-gate, Day 36: Backsplash a-go-go. Photo as requested. Grout TBD. http://pic.gd/2da4b1

Dreading the inevitable stream of hate in reaction to awesome new backsplash, even though design was at least half her idea. #duckncover

Reno-gate, Day 21: really, why rip stuff out that looks fine and does the job when all you accomplish is more delay & more work?

Reno-gate, Day 21: expaining scope creep to mother-in-law not going well. Apparently I don't appreciate all the EXTRA work being done.

Reno-gate, Day 21. Scope creep continues: bathrm wallpaper gone. Kitchen bar area desiged, but cabnt guy unavail. Backsplash: next week

Reno-gate, D16: replcmnt toaster/oven acqrd on sale frm Crappy Tire. Bar/counter/sink/dwasher area designed. Waitng 4 cabnt guy.

Reno-gate, D15: apparently "call first" in contractor-speak sometimes means "show up twice when noone home & leave business card." #fail

Reno-gate, D14: Rona drywaller has yet to show up this weekend to fix the hole in the wall next to my stove vent. No calls either. #fail

Reno-gate, D13: will Rona's drywaller show up Sat or Sun 2 fix hole bside stove vent? We shall see. Nxt wk: get cabnts made, get granite

Reno-gate, D13: thx 2 local handyman Wes Douglas, we have a wrkng shower/bath! Or we will by the time I get back from FanExpo tomorrow.

Reno-gate, Day 11: tile installer coming 2 measure/quote. Tub surrnd acquired frm Home Depot. Cashier nearly refused 2 accept RONA Visa.

Reno-gate, Day 11: Realized OTS Granite cut the sink hole a tad too big. Counter edge will need to be redone, and cut to allow d/washer.

Reno-gate, D10: Goldilocks beheld the tub wall catalogue. The 1st 1 was 2 small. The nxt was perfect...but alas, out of stock. Da Bears!

Reno-gate, D10: rest of kitchen taped out. Consensus on colours, design, cabinets, backsplash achieved! Priming starts tomorrow.

Reno-gate, D9: despite casualites from IEDs (improvised explosive debates), peace achieved - 4 now. h8 still bubbles under the surface.

Reno-gate, Day 9: Tile Wars begin. Two different world views collide over backsplash and stove 'boxing' idea (pebbles vs square tile).

Reno-gate, D8: backsplash designed. Still waiting 4 Rona 2 call back re: plumbing quote & drywall fix. Bar design not feasible, sez mom.

Reno-gate, Day 7: finally, a working sink! Moen + Kindred #ftw. Thanks, Tom! (Cold line leaks a little, but hey.) http://mypict.me/q4oo

Reno-gate, Day 7: 3rd trip 2 Home Depot - kitchen sink still unplumbed. Chiseled off layer of wood/crap so top step 2 bsmnt now level.

Reno-gate, Day 6: photos! http://picasaweb.google.com/nickboldt (trip pix from Victoria and Telegraph Cove, BC posted too)

Reno-gate, Day 5: granite finally installed, too late to get plumbed. Wife hates it too: I'm batting ~1000 here on the #fail scale.
We have a working shower again: basemnt bathrm being used as dry room 4 delicate clothes, now cleaned out & serviceable as shower. W00t!

Reno-gate, Day 5: wife still hates new floor; now must pick effing basebrds; granite guys shld B here by 4; plumbers hard 2 reach

Reno-gate D4: tub encl now completely ripped out, ready 4 new 1. Kitchen/frnt hall floor closer to done. Plumber called. Granite 2mrrw?

Paint shopping! Ugh.

Reno-gate, Day 3: electrician fixing foobar'd exhaust pipe (didn't call first 2 C if anyone home); granite guy 3hrs late but meticulous.

Reno-gate, Day 3: stove hood incorrectly installed. Granite guys 2hrs late. Toaster oven deliberately thrown out sans replacement.

Reno-gate, Day 2: can't reach granite installer. #suckytreats

Reno-gate, Day 2: bro in law sez bamboo floor idea seemed odd, but looks ok. Need 2 find replacement wall colour: blue doesn't work now.

RT @jasonhiner: "Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Edison « how appropriate re: my kitchen redux