
OK Computer

Thanks to a tip from fellow cycling nut @melamalie, I recently replaced my old (lost!) CatEye bike computer with a new Cannondale IQ 114 Cadence so I can work on improving my RPM. Apparently I do 55-65 RPM on average on my hybrid; possibly more on the borrowed road bike.

So far, it's pretty #awesome because - as a number-focused nerd - I can focus on my RPM rather than speed, and be less frustrated when going out w/ slower cyclists. Did 25K this morning as the mist was lifting off the lake. Great idea, SWMNBN!

UPDATE: Canondale no longer makes this computer, so, in the interests of providing data on how to configure it should you need to reset the computer (or put in a new battery), here's a link to the user manual.

The important part is as follows:


rdruss said...

What Cateye did you get rid of? I have an Astrale 8 that does RPM's as well as speed along with distance. I agree that it is nice to have the RPM's to focus on.

nickb said...

It was a CatEye Velo 8.